Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Zimbra zcs 7.1.4 high CPU loading used by java process

Jetty High CPU load since July 1st 00:00:00 UTC

Sejak tgl 1 Juli 2012 berdasarkan laporan ISP tempat Mail Server kami di collocation, diinformasikan bahwa status server kami unstable. Setelah di cek menggunakan command top di mail server ditemukan bahwa Load Average nya mencapai angka 30-40 . Setelah ditest dengan zmcontrol stop maka load average pun turun dan status normal. Setelah distart kembali dengan zmcontrol start, status load average juga berada diangka 8 namun beranjak naik ke 20-30.

Setelah melakukan googling akhirnya di temukan bahwa masalah ini terjadi secara masal yg di karenakan :

‘Leap Second’ Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web

On Saturday, at midnight Greenwich Mean Time, as June turned into July, the Earth’s official time keepers held their clocks back by a single second in order to keep them in sync with the planet’s daily rotation, and according to reports from across the web, some of the net’s fundamental software platforms — including the Linux operating system and the Java application platform — were unable to cope with the extra second.
Many computing systems use what’s called the Network Time Protocol, or NTP, to keep themselves in sync with the world’s atomic clocks, and when an extra second is added, some just don’t know how to handle it.

Berikut ini adalah solusi yg di temukan dalam forum zimbra terkait issue ini.

date -s "`date`"

Setelah di coba dan di monitor, maka load average CPU secara berangsur turun normal tanpa melakukan disable NTP ataupun restart server. Loading process Java pun kembali normal.
